Allied Families

The following allied families are in our direct Barrett ancestry: Potter, Minot, Wheeler, Jones, Merriam, Stone, Cutler, Dewey, Lawrence, Johnson, Spaulding, Chandler, Ladd, Gilman, Maverick, Hurley, Hilton, Dudley, Hall, Jewett, Hutchins, Carleton, Haseltine, Stone, Eastman, Smith, Barnard, Peasley, Kimball, Wilson, Farnum, Mason, Wells, Fiske, Wyeth, Monk, Brown, Simonds, Cravath, Clutterbuck, Hook, Butler, Austin, Wintermute (Windemuth), Kleppinger, Bernhardt, Ludolsin, Arason, Hankinson, Mattison, Snyder

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Minneapolis Brass & Iron Manufacturing Company (1891 - 1905)

Mpls City Pages 1891

St. Paul Globe Newspaper Ad 1901

The St. Paul Globe
Wednesday, June 12, 1901
Page 1
Firms Joining the Association Pledgre Themselves to Stand by
Each Other In Industrial Disputes.
NEW YORK, June 11.—About 300 representatives of the metal trades held a
conference here today at tine call of the National Metal Trades association. The session was held behind closed doors. President Reynolds gave out a lengthy statement of the position of the association as to the machinists' strike, which was prepared by the administration council. The statement reviews the Chicago agreement as to arbitration made in March, 1900, and accuses the machinists of violating it. It also charges that the machinists willfully misconduct and misrepresented the agreement of May, 1900.
A great number of new firms were accepted as members of the association.
In order to have the firms they represented admitted to the association, the
delegates had to sign an application, in which they subscribed to the following conditions:
1. In consideration of fair dealing being a cardinal principle of the association, we pledge ourselves to protect any of our fellow members who may require our support against any unjust demands of labor rganizations and to endeavor to settle all disputes amicably.
2. We bind ourselves to obey the constitution and by-laws and all proper rules made in conformity with the same; provided they do not conflict with the constitution of the United States or the state In which we do business.
Among the new firms which made application for membership during the
session today are:
The Moore Carving Machine company, Valentine Bros., Gustavug Lagerquist, Strong & Northway, Kennard Press company, J. R. Kreissell, Minneapolis Brass and Iron Works, Union Iron Works, all of Minneapolis; Thieme & Co., St. Paul; Washington Iron Works, Seattle; Whit Lock Printing Press company, Derby, Conn.; N. Garland & Co., Bay City, Mich.; National Cash Register company, and the Dayton Manufacturing company, Dayton Ohio; F. M. Prescott St«am PuiSW tCmpany, Mllwaukee.Wls.; Springfield Manufacturing company, Bridgeport Conn.; Norwalk Iron Works, Norwalk,Conn.; Newburg Ice Machinery and Engine company, Newburgh, N. V.; Rand Drill company, Tarrytown, N. V.; Deere & Co, and Banard & Lee Manufacturing company, Moline, 111.; Sebastian Lathe company, Cincinnati; Watson Machine Company, Patersori, N. J.; Jackson & Church company, Saginaw, Mich • Scranton Steam Pump company' McLave, Brooks & Co., and Finch Manufacturing company, Scranton, Pa.; Brown Cotton Gin company, New London, Conn. The new by-lawß and constitution of the association will be passed upon tomorrow.
After the night session Secretary Devens gave a statement in which he says:
"At no time in the history of the National Metal Trades association has the
representation by delegates covered such an extensive territory as in the meeting held today.
"The most Important matter brought up at the convention was the adoption of a measure for the immediate raising of a
fund so that the present treasury fund of the association might be ncreased to $500,0000.
"At the meeting today thirty-three manufacturing establishments, employing upwards of 7,500 men, signed application for membership and were immediately enrolled and are now active member 3 of the National Metal Trades association."

Minneapolis Journal
Wednesday, June 12, 1901
Page 16
New York—Among tht new members of the National Metal Trades Association
are the Moore Carving Machine company, Valentino Brothers,
Gustavus Lagerquist, Strong & Northway. Kennard Press company,
J. R.Kreissell, Minneapolis Brass and Iron Works,
Union Iron Works, all of Minneapolis and Thieme & Co., St. Paul.

Minneapolis Journal
Wednesday, April 26, 1905
Page 6
Two Robberies Were Reported to the Police today.
Two burglaries were reported to the police as having been committed last
night Herman Johnson. 1016 Sixth street S. says burglars entered
his place last night while he was asleep and stole his gold watch and $12 in cash. The articles were taken from his sleeping room. Two large bronze propeller wheels were stolen from the warehouse of the Minneapolis Brass & Iron Works, 116 First avenue N. The rear door was broken open.

St. Paul Globe Want Ad 1898

Mpls Journal Want Ad 1902

Mpls Journal Want Ad

Mpls City Pages 1891

Mpls City Pages 1905

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